

EK Challenge Poverty Event

EK Challenge Poverty 

EK Challenge Poverty Event – Saturday 22nd June 2019 

EKCU was very excited to be part of the Challenge Poverty event in the East Kilbride library recently along with other businesses and charities dedicated to helping those in need.

We had a great time chatting to members of the public and to MSP Linda Fabiani and Westminster MP Lisa Cameron who came along to support this great cause.

Credit Unions exist to serve their local community and this event gave us an insight to the struggles that people in our town face every day. This was highlighted by Dennis Curran, founder of Loaves and Fishes, who gave a powerful speech addressing the increased number of people using foodbanks. To support this charity, we have a box in the office for anyone who would like to donate to the foodbank.

We also work in partnership with the local Citizens Advice Bureau who come into the credit union once a month to offer advice for anyone currently having money problems or struggling to pay bills. If you think this service would help you, please call us on 01355 224771 and we will let you know when they are next due in the office.


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