

Recent AGM

Our Directors deciding on their office bearers during our recent AGM

We held our most recent Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 22 March 2023 in the Old Parish Church Hall in the Old East Kilbride Village. The meeting was quorate and went ahead as planned. We would like to thank all members who gave up their time to come along and support the team.

Our auditor was in attendance and all reports are available in PDF format should any members wish to view these. The accounts were passed by a show of hands and the Board of Directors have declared a dividend of 0.5% to members. Any dividend due should be credited into member accounts within the next week or two.

We welcomed five Directors to our Board, and one new member to our Supervisory team.

Should you have any questions about the AGM or the credit union, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at info@ekcreditunion.co.uk where a member of the team will be happy to help.