

Spirit of Christmas Appeal 2023

This year, East Kilbride Credit Union is supporting Women’s Aid, with their Spirit of Christmas Appeal. This years appeal is helping to empower the mother’s by providing them with gift cards to allow them to pick their children’s Christmas presents themselves.

We are reaching out to any of our members’ who feel in a position to help support this great appeal.  We realise that many of our members may still be affected by the cost of living crisis and other factors, so there is absolutely no obligation to donate.

If you feel you would like to donate, we are accepting cash donations in the office from Wednesday the 4th of October 2023. Alternatively, you can donate via your own online banking, by quoting the reference “Spirit of Christmas” or by calling the office and making a debit card payment*.  There is no minimum or maximum donation value.

Our collection window closes on Friday 1 December 2023 to allow us to use the funds raised to buy gift vouchers and hand them over to the EK Women’s Aid office.

If you would like any further information please contact Louise by email at info@ekcreditunion.co.uk

*Please note the minimum debit card payment we accept is £10 due to transaction fees)

Account Access

To access your account online please download our new app, you can find more details here
